ASHA 8K – Yearly run and more.

4 11 2010

Event: October 30, 2010.

Last year’s ASHA was so much fun. We rode to the school on Sarjapur road, spent the morning with kids and adults running the 8k, manning the route on our cycle, and at times on foot when we lost our cycle to one of the kids who wanted to test out ‘aunty’s gear cycle’ :).Β  I was part of another ASHA run earlier held at Valley school, the one which I ran instead of volunteering. After this one though, I swore to myself that I will not miss volunteering at any of the runs.

Year later, and my crazy schedules permitting, I got to experience a weekend of runs, and rides that will be etched in my memory. ASHA run was held at Ananya, a school were Santhosh volunteers. OnceΒ  you step in to the school, no one can miss serenity and beauty of the place, set in a small compound. Maintained and kept clean by resident student themselves, it serves to teach them basic cleanliness, and routine of a daily life. What one couldn’t miss on this day though are the log huts that were all decked up to attract ‘customers’. Yes, customers πŸ™‚ Santhosh and other resident staff got together and created projects which were owned by different sets of students to create, package and sell items such as diyas, friendship band, and terracota jewerly. I, personally, couldn’t contain my joy at seeing all those well made, tastefully packed, and professionally sold products. I bought all my Diwali gifts, and some for my home. I intend to recycle those empty diyas next year. They are that good!

GR Photofile: Ananya students' co-ops

GR Photofile: Stores set up by Ananya kids

GR Photofile: Stores set up by Ananya kids

This project was meant to teach kids simple crafts, business skills, maths and management. They are natural, one could see, and felt as though they have been doing this forever! Three cheers to all those who thought of the projects, encouraged and got kids involved, and spent all that time and energy to help kids expand their horizon.

GR Photofile: Stores set up by Ananya kids

Runners gearing up for the run.

GR Photofile: Flying high

Kids were allowed to pick their duties and contribute as best as they can to create team work and teach a sense of responsibility.

GR Photfile: Kids from other schools and organizations registering to run, and Ananya kids doing their duties.

GR Photofile: Ananya kids are taught discipline and to care for themselves, which you can see here.

GR Photofile: Place to find hot idlis and sambar, with chai.

GR Photofile: Keeping the environment clean!

There were runners from all walks of life, spastic society kids donning smart yellow tees, barefoot runners both kids and adults, ladies clad in sarees, which neither dampened their spirit nor their love of running, kids hopping playfully and spreading laughter and joy, Ananya kids manning the route to ensure no one got lost, Ananya kids again manning the water station and doing a beautiful job of it making sure no one went thirsty, hot hot idlis and sambar waiting for runners as they made it back to Ananya,

GR Photofile: Saree not a deterrent!

GR Photofile: Barefoot running. Its all in the stride πŸ™‚

GR Photofile: Shoes or not!

GR Photofile: Aidstation manned by Ananya kids.

GR Photofile: A little tired πŸ™‚

If this doesn’t make your weekend a happy one, can’t say what else can πŸ™‚ I was so full of energy post all of it, I was restless while driving to Chennai that afternoon πŸ™‚ Glad there was a ride to be part of the next morning, and spend that energy, or did I? There was more energy there than I could absorb !!!

GR Photofile: High energy kids

GR Photofile: Its all about running!

If you ever want to experience something as beautiful as this, below is information which will help you find next ASHA runs.

If you want to know the program Santhosh is involved in please go to:, and if there is any area, which interests you and you would like to be involved in, please write to Santhosh at He will put your volunteering hours and resources to good use. There is much more to ASHA activities than the 8k run I am writing about here.



2 responses

4 11 2010
Tweets that mention ASHA 8K – Yearly run and more. Β« Around the World --

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kavitha Kanaparthi, Globeracers. Globeracers said: ASHA 8K – Yearly run and more. : […]

5 11 2010
Bhasker Sharma

Thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Great write-up and pictures!

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