As the speeding clock feels no gravity

4 10 2010

Ticking hands slow down, and time seems to be on a slow motion, reminding of the numerous times I wished I could freeze the moment or slow it down to a stop! Today though as I sit here clocking (pun intended πŸ™‚ ) hours in the run up (again pun intended πŸ™‚ ) to the race, I wish I can move those ticking hands faster so I can see the race unfold on a warm winter morning. Yes, winter in northern parts of India is pretty extreme to say the least, and takes a little longer for the chill to creep in! I so long to see runners eat up the trail, blaze through miles, and bound home, victorious. It is the first 100-mile race in India after all, and the fact that we have a solid group of runners who will go neck to neck on D-day, which is October 16, 2010, makes me all the more eager. If we have Arun Bharadwaj, and Roger Henke vying to make history by being the first winner of the series, we have 3 women who will be looking to set their own personal and course records.

GR Photfile: Arun and Vikram, two awesome runners.

Santhosh Padmanabhan, an experienced ultra runner, will be looking to break his personal records, and train for another upcoming 24 hour run, which will be his yearly fund-raising run!(check out his cause There will be Dickie Saluja, Prem, Darvesh Taneja, Manjula, Asha, Vikram Snorres, Corinna, Ken, Ravi, Dinesh, Rahu, and the list goes on, giving it their best, to set or break PRs.

GR Photofile: One of the shallow gorges on the route.

It will be mildly hot, humid and highly challenging to stay on the course for over 20 hours. I close my eyes, and I can see them all whiz by me. I can’t wait forΒ  for one flag to be raised, as a mark of respect for the country that gives, and one flag to come down, to set off the runners.

GR Photofile: These lakes can mesmerize anyone πŸ™‚ There are five in all.

Beautiful lakes await them, giving tired senses a lift every single time. I wish them the best, and proudly welcome them to Globeracers’ family.