A Globeracer’s Mountain life

27 08 2010

I can’t say I am much of racer. I like it easy, slow and steady! I can burn as much as needed, days on end. Give me 5, give me 10 or give me 25 of arduous miles after miles, and I’ll make it to the last mile! This is what I have realized finally after my last trip to the mountains this past week. My legs weren’t tired, my body didn’t complain, this despite a bad knee and back, my soul kept wanting more, except for hunger pangs from lack of good nutritious food over a few days.

GR Photofile: Second day of trek, resting while porters entertain with flute!!

I have been to the Himalayas before and seen them up close and ran them too. This journey though is a journey with a capital J! It changed me in ways I can’t begin to explain, let alone share. I am known to be temperamental at times, unable to share what exactly goes through my mind, and making a mess of things in the process! People only see me in a good mood most of the times as that is the only emotion I seem to be able to share, tucking away my sadness in the recesses of mind. Hard to believe that I am affected by things when such is the case! I am, though, deeply affected by behavior of those who in all likeliness care little about effects of their actions. Repetitive actions tend to brutalize one’s relationship with someone whose impunity only adds to one’s misery!

Life gives you an opportunity to reflect on every single parameter and priority, and places emphasis on your intentions for life when you go deeper in to the mountains! When you step out of the sleeping bag in the middle of the night, a delicate night with an almost full moon shining on two little tents, silently witnessing your journey, you feel a shift taking place, body and soul. I don’t mean to say the change is profound in an instant. By any fair measure, you are there because you have experienced a shift over a period of time in your thinking, longing and desire. You dream of mountains one day or not, it starts creeping in to your system at a very subconscious level. Being there physically throws in a different kind of shift, which is a bit more real, and tangible.

GR Photofile: A beautiful view of the mountains at the begining of the trek. What a view to start off the trek with!

This trip to the mountains though changed something very tangible in me. I am alone in my mind, and that I cannot change. How I associate with my friends, family, and significant other can, though, be a very fulfilling relation. They are like the silent spectators to my journey in life, as are the mountains to my journey in the wilderness, enticing with their beauty, strength, depth, and clarity. A few rough cliffs threaten my balance,  forcing me to watch my every step, teaching me patience. How can I ignore that? Why do I suffer alone? I have the mountains to goad me on to overcome my weaknesses, and if only I can see my friends, family and significant other standing by me like the mountains that they are – strong, silent, beautiful and with unimaginable depth, I can oh so very easily overcome my sadness! They are my strength, virtually and in reality. Rough ridges are there to teach me patience, and tread carefully!

This trip has had a profound effect on me. Someone close to my heart told me that I have a smile on my face even when I am jacked. I thank him for that. I haven’t realized the extent of my patience till then. It can be almost to the point of self-destruction. It should never be to the point of slipping on that jagged edge is my only thought now. I love the jagged edges, over hanging cliffs, and narrow paths, which ultimately all lead to higher ground. Time to make a difference, in lives of those who have looked up to me, and are there waiting and wanting. A new day, a new path and a new desire, all rolled in to one! How exciting!!!

GR Photofile: One of the wide valleys we came across.

When you turn back because you can’t cross a river, emotions can turn on you, having you long for family, familiarity and comfort. It is that very moment though, which can teach you to look within, strengthening the bond with yourself, in a very familiar sort of way. Symbolically speaking, life is very much the same, when perseverance and resolve are needed in mighty amounts to see us through days of utter defeat! I dream of being in the mountains and that comforts me, till I am in their depths again.

Its been a long journey to the road I am on right now. I love the place I am in and glad to share the journey with a few. If you wish to come along remember to shed the baggage 🙂 Mountains are unforgiving.

To conclude this here, I must admit that racing is in my blood except that I have made peace with it and moved on to adventures. Globeracers is my way of putting on quality races while I learn from my adventures and give back to those who give me so much love, support and endorse my every move! Got to give it to them for having so much faith in me 🙂

Till the next adventure/race, come be part of our Globeracer community by signing up for a race(www.globeracers.com), by volunteering or simply sending us a message of love 🙂



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