A dream wheel

13 07 2010

During a conversation with my friend Navita, she mentioned her desire to procure a cycle for Rekha, a girl whose education she sponsors. My spare cycle is one with gears, and she wanted one without. Here is what I received from her:

“Rekha is from Nalahalli village in the district of Mandya. She has 2 sisters and a brother and belongs to a farming family. She is a bright kid who is interested in pursuing her studies. We know her through her aunt who is one of our staff and has been in our company for long now.  We decided to provide & fund for her education and hence have enrolled her into pre-university in a science course (pcmb). She resides in our home and her college is not very far from our home – it’s at an odd distance actually. To board a bus, she has to walk for 15 mins to the bus stop, board a bus for just 2 stops (for~15mins), and walk 10 mins to the college again. Distance wise, its 4 km from our house. Her college has begun, and it’s been a series of drops, pick-ups and walks so far!  She knows how to ride a bicycle and hence I am reaching out to you.

If someone in the cycling community has an old cycle (ladies cycle preferably) that they are not using and can donate, that will be deeply appreciated. Else we can buy an old/unused cycle off from someone who’s looking at giving it away as well”.

Appreciate your interest and effort to help me in this endeavor. I hope something works out soon.”

From my interaction with Rekha, I found her to be an independent girl who knows her mind. She communicated her desire to be further educated, clearly. Her parents aren’t able to support her education. Navita and Vinay are two wonderful people who often find a way to share their good fortune. Rekha found her guardian angels in them. When I shared the same with my RACF friends, I was told it wouldn’t be until December that they donate cycles again. Considering that Rekha needed the cycle right away, a short discussion, and with a little bit of help, we found a solution to meet purchase cost. Globeracers as part of its giving, donated the cycle to RACF, which in turn made the donation to Rekha.

As part of their commitment, Sridhar represented RACF, handed over the cycle to her, encouraged Rekha to focus on her studies and reach her goals. Rekha says she is determined to become an Engineer. It’s these aspirations, which inspire us further to support those like Navita and Vinay by supplementing their efforts.

GR Photofile: Sridhar and I with Rekha.

If any of you wish to support our efforts or have a cause you want us to support, write to us at giving@globeracers.com.



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13 07 2010
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