Jigini Ride 13-06-2010

5 07 2010

6 of us set out on a lovely cloudy day from the Merida Junction meeting point. Suma had coordinated the meet, and I didn’t know who was going to be on the ride. As helmets came off, I saw Sandeep and Mayank. This was the first time I was seeing Tripti and K.P (I might be wrong in my recollection of his name )

Unlike previous week’s ride, we kept up the pace, and some of us got ahead of the 6-rider pack only to realize it was only a second time on the cycle for one of the riders. Having set out to do atleast a 80km ride that morning, we were naturally concerned, and waited up for her to catch up along with Mayank, who was keeping her company.

GR Photofile: Regrouped and fixing up before setting out again.

She was undeterred by the distance we set out to do and decided to continue on with us, and we were only glad to have her along. She sure did blow us all away with her ability to ride the distance when she caught up with us again when we stopped for breakfast. Here is a quaint little restaurant where we stopped for breakfast that morning. I loved every bit of it. The small little converted village home, hot idlis fresh off the oven, and the elderly who sat around the place giving it such an awesome village atmosphere! Do stop here if you are riding on this route.

GR Photofile: Breakfast place just after the turn to Jigini on Kanakapura Road

GR Photofile: There is something about a lineup of cycles, and a village setting that is appealing.

Four of us rode along while Mayank kept Thripti company. They would later turn around after breakfast. The four of us, Suma, Sandeep, K.P, and I continued on to Jigini with the idea that we will ride for another 10km and turn around to add another 80+ km ride to our week. If you have ever been on this route, you will identify with me when I call it one of the best hill countryside to ride in. It’s beautiful with hills, some steep climbs, villagers tending to and harvesting their crop, and almost no traffic. Try the route if you are looking for a long weekend ride. You can continue on to Jigini for a longer ride, and also test some of your climbing muscles. Here is a short climb we capped the one way with, seen in the elevation here.

GR Photofile: Jigini ride elevation

Some of these rides are fantastic for training rides since one can start from within the city limits, starting early, and log decent mileage. They are reasonably safe (I haven’t yet faced any troubles on these routes), relatively low traffic, mostly metal road (there are off-road opportunities on all of these routes), ample food and fresh coconut stops, and ofcourse, beautiful landscapes. We had to go a little ways to find oil for the cycle chain so self support to fix flats, and carrying spare brake wires is very much recommended. Ride safe, and have fun!



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