Doing what he is told is impossible: One trail at a time!

2 07 2010

Depi Chaudhry is a man of few words and long strides. His hopes and dreams are mountain high, literally. I seem to have the good fortune of being in the company of some very good friends. They introduce me to some highly accomplished souls with whom I have been able to see some of the most spectacular places, meet other great souls, and experiencing some amazingly touching and heart warming moments. As a Globeracer, I will share my knowledge of him.

Depi is one person who reiterated and solidified my belief that wilderness and nature change you in ways one can’t summarize in words, infusing positive energy in to everything. He is a true outdoors man. It is with this dream that Depi Chaudhry quit his successful corporate career and started Real Adventures in 2002. He has been exploring different parts of the Himalayas, traversing unchartered territories, product of which is one of his books ‘Collins Trekking Guide to Western Himalayas’.

Depi on Chaddar Trek: Seen here maneuvering his way around on a ledge of thin ice.

Depi on a trek

Treks can get very technical in some of these remote areas, which is why it is very critical to have all the data one can before setting on.

On a trek

His affinity for the mountains started early in his life. Depi has personally documented most of the treks and sketched the maps. His current expedition ‘The Great Himalayan Trail’ from Sonmarg to Nepal border will see him trekking for 110 days through some regions unexplored before this time, and will be the basis for his next book on. He felt the pressure of taking trek books to the next level of providing gps data and gently being nudged by traditional trek guide book publishers to withdraw his efforts. But Depi believes it is for everyone to have all available data for dynamic and accurate routing. He is out there conquering one trail at a time!

His love for cycling is seen through his expeditions, and tours, and the book ‘Thikanas on Cycles’ is in the works as he takes adventurers in to remote Rajasthan regions through scenic, rustic, and historic regions, palaces, and gorgeous landscapes.

GR Photofile: Riding through the desert road ways and interiors, mapping, and exploring

GR Photofile: Some of the much off-the-beaten-path havelis of Rajasthan

GR Photofile: Some cycling routes to pass through forgotten, and remote villages with wonderous history and ruins

GR Photofile: What's a ride or run without a beautiful sunrise: A lake sunrise in the middle of a Rajasthan village

We will be following his efforts, progress through the 110 day trek, and sharing it through facebook page here. Please sign-up to follow progress as he sets out on the trek on July 14, 2010.



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