DeathRacers’ crew

27 07 2010

As a Globeracer, every opportunity can be a missed opportunity once trepidation sets in. Can I or can I not? Dilemma over fitness levels is a constant. We cram our little brains with self doubt, enormous inertia and pitiful excuses. Or atleast I do at times! When a Globeracer veteran, Mike, asked me to crew for him at DeathRace, I said “YES”!!!! I just love a good race, whether I am running or crewing! Well, as it always happens, I wondered if I could keep up with Mike, and Torsten, another Globeracer veteran, the two of whom made each stage of Thar Race look like a walk in the park!!! Crewing is an art I have come to realize, one which comes with major responsibility. Pacing on the other hand can be a mind game if you aren’t careful. Endurance runners are at their lowest energy levels when they need you, and managing to get them to the finish line is a psychological play as much as it is a physical demand! If you are doing both at the same time, it is a test of your endurance level as much as the runner’s.

Well, I am now set to leave for Alberta, Canada this Thursday, July 29, 2010, to crew for Mike and Torsten, my two favorite runners. I will crew for them, and pace, if need be. Here is a short synopsis of the race from the race website: The 125 km course begins and ends on a 4200 foot plateau, passes over three mountain summits and includes 17,000 feet of elevation change and a major river crossing at the spectacular Hell’s Gate canyon at the confluence of the Smoky and Sulphur Rivers. Every endurance runner who knows their mettle, yearns to face Death at one time or another 🙂 I heard beautiful things about this beautiful location and how tough the mountains are. Should I say more? 🙂  Total respect to all runners who will be trying not to disqualify nor earn a DNF. Will write about my race experience, and what it meant to be on someone’s crew at the ‘Race of the Decade’ 🙂 Watch this space for more.You can see more info on the race at the race website.

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Arun Bharadwaj at GR Bhati Lake 100 in October

21 07 2010

Arun Bharadwaj, Globeracer veteran and winner of South Africa 6 day race with 567km, will be at the GR Bhati Lake 100 this year, India’s first 100 mile race. A multiple record holder, and India’s only accomplished ultra runner, he is an inspiration to many who can instantly change anyone’s approach to ultra running. You can read more on him at Come run with the professionals, and come cheer them and/or pace the runners. To volunteer, please write to us at and visit more information on the races.

A dream wheel

13 07 2010

During a conversation with my friend Navita, she mentioned her desire to procure a cycle for Rekha, a girl whose education she sponsors. My spare cycle is one with gears, and she wanted one without. Here is what I received from her:

“Rekha is from Nalahalli village in the district of Mandya. She has 2 sisters and a brother and belongs to a farming family. She is a bright kid who is interested in pursuing her studies. We know her through her aunt who is one of our staff and has been in our company for long now.  We decided to provide & fund for her education and hence have enrolled her into pre-university in a science course (pcmb). She resides in our home and her college is not very far from our home – it’s at an odd distance actually. To board a bus, she has to walk for 15 mins to the bus stop, board a bus for just 2 stops (for~15mins), and walk 10 mins to the college again. Distance wise, its 4 km from our house. Her college has begun, and it’s been a series of drops, pick-ups and walks so far!  She knows how to ride a bicycle and hence I am reaching out to you.

If someone in the cycling community has an old cycle (ladies cycle preferably) that they are not using and can donate, that will be deeply appreciated. Else we can buy an old/unused cycle off from someone who’s looking at giving it away as well”.

Appreciate your interest and effort to help me in this endeavor. I hope something works out soon.”

From my interaction with Rekha, I found her to be an independent girl who knows her mind. She communicated her desire to be further educated, clearly. Her parents aren’t able to support her education. Navita and Vinay are two wonderful people who often find a way to share their good fortune. Rekha found her guardian angels in them. When I shared the same with my RACF friends, I was told it wouldn’t be until December that they donate cycles again. Considering that Rekha needed the cycle right away, a short discussion, and with a little bit of help, we found a solution to meet purchase cost. Globeracers as part of its giving, donated the cycle to RACF, which in turn made the donation to Rekha.

As part of their commitment, Sridhar represented RACF, handed over the cycle to her, encouraged Rekha to focus on her studies and reach her goals. Rekha says she is determined to become an Engineer. It’s these aspirations, which inspire us further to support those like Navita and Vinay by supplementing their efforts.

GR Photofile: Sridhar and I with Rekha.

If any of you wish to support our efforts or have a cause you want us to support, write to us at

New look, new race and the same us!

12 07 2010

We redesigned our site for better performance and easy access to information. Logo had its own makeover as well with a color change, and clean up 🙂 Hope you like. Let us know what you think of these changes. We think its pretty 🙂

GR 100 mile series has kicked off with Bhati Lake 100 in October 2010, 30km outside of Delhi. 50mile and 30 mile categories also find their place in this race. It is for everyone, a professional runner or an Ultra aspirant. Come be an Ultra runner. Site URL:

Northburn Station 100

11 07 2010

A race in the making, which promises to be tough, and an experience worth your running time 🙂 Supported by one of the best Ultra runners out there, Lisa Timati, it has got adventure written all over it. Check it out at

Jigini Ride 13-06-2010

5 07 2010

6 of us set out on a lovely cloudy day from the Merida Junction meeting point. Suma had coordinated the meet, and I didn’t know who was going to be on the ride. As helmets came off, I saw Sandeep and Mayank. This was the first time I was seeing Tripti and K.P (I might be wrong in my recollection of his name )

Unlike previous week’s ride, we kept up the pace, and some of us got ahead of the 6-rider pack only to realize it was only a second time on the cycle for one of the riders. Having set out to do atleast a 80km ride that morning, we were naturally concerned, and waited up for her to catch up along with Mayank, who was keeping her company.

GR Photofile: Regrouped and fixing up before setting out again.

She was undeterred by the distance we set out to do and decided to continue on with us, and we were only glad to have her along. She sure did blow us all away with her ability to ride the distance when she caught up with us again when we stopped for breakfast. Here is a quaint little restaurant where we stopped for breakfast that morning. I loved every bit of it. The small little converted village home, hot idlis fresh off the oven, and the elderly who sat around the place giving it such an awesome village atmosphere! Do stop here if you are riding on this route.

GR Photofile: Breakfast place just after the turn to Jigini on Kanakapura Road

GR Photofile: There is something about a lineup of cycles, and a village setting that is appealing.

Four of us rode along while Mayank kept Thripti company. They would later turn around after breakfast. The four of us, Suma, Sandeep, K.P, and I continued on to Jigini with the idea that we will ride for another 10km and turn around to add another 80+ km ride to our week. If you have ever been on this route, you will identify with me when I call it one of the best hill countryside to ride in. It’s beautiful with hills, some steep climbs, villagers tending to and harvesting their crop, and almost no traffic. Try the route if you are looking for a long weekend ride. You can continue on to Jigini for a longer ride, and also test some of your climbing muscles. Here is a short climb we capped the one way with, seen in the elevation here.

GR Photofile: Jigini ride elevation

Some of these rides are fantastic for training rides since one can start from within the city limits, starting early, and log decent mileage. They are reasonably safe (I haven’t yet faced any troubles on these routes), relatively low traffic, mostly metal road (there are off-road opportunities on all of these routes), ample food and fresh coconut stops, and ofcourse, beautiful landscapes. We had to go a little ways to find oil for the cycle chain so self support to fix flats, and carrying spare brake wires is very much recommended. Ride safe, and have fun!

Doing what he is told is impossible: One trail at a time!

2 07 2010

Depi Chaudhry is a man of few words and long strides. His hopes and dreams are mountain high, literally. I seem to have the good fortune of being in the company of some very good friends. They introduce me to some highly accomplished souls with whom I have been able to see some of the most spectacular places, meet other great souls, and experiencing some amazingly touching and heart warming moments. As a Globeracer, I will share my knowledge of him.

Depi is one person who reiterated and solidified my belief that wilderness and nature change you in ways one can’t summarize in words, infusing positive energy in to everything. He is a true outdoors man. It is with this dream that Depi Chaudhry quit his successful corporate career and started Real Adventures in 2002. He has been exploring different parts of the Himalayas, traversing unchartered territories, product of which is one of his books ‘Collins Trekking Guide to Western Himalayas’.

Depi on Chaddar Trek: Seen here maneuvering his way around on a ledge of thin ice.

Depi on a trek

Treks can get very technical in some of these remote areas, which is why it is very critical to have all the data one can before setting on.

On a trek

His affinity for the mountains started early in his life. Depi has personally documented most of the treks and sketched the maps. His current expedition ‘The Great Himalayan Trail’ from Sonmarg to Nepal border will see him trekking for 110 days through some regions unexplored before this time, and will be the basis for his next book on. He felt the pressure of taking trek books to the next level of providing gps data and gently being nudged by traditional trek guide book publishers to withdraw his efforts. But Depi believes it is for everyone to have all available data for dynamic and accurate routing. He is out there conquering one trail at a time!

His love for cycling is seen through his expeditions, and tours, and the book ‘Thikanas on Cycles’ is in the works as he takes adventurers in to remote Rajasthan regions through scenic, rustic, and historic regions, palaces, and gorgeous landscapes.

GR Photofile: Riding through the desert road ways and interiors, mapping, and exploring

GR Photofile: Some of the much off-the-beaten-path havelis of Rajasthan

GR Photofile: Some cycling routes to pass through forgotten, and remote villages with wonderous history and ruins

GR Photofile: What's a ride or run without a beautiful sunrise: A lake sunrise in the middle of a Rajasthan village

We will be following his efforts, progress through the 110 day trek, and sharing it through facebook page here. Please sign-up to follow progress as he sets out on the trek on July 14, 2010.