Arun Bharadwaj – One in a billion, literally!

30 06 2010

He inspires me. There are many more who will say the same, but I’ll let them tell you their story. As a Globeracer, it gives me immense pleasure to share the story of our association with him. It goes back to the days when Globeracers was dreaming about ultra races in India, and researching Indian ultra runners. From here on, I’ll give you a personal narration as, well, I am a Globeracer as well!

Google (it is undoubtedly one of the most extensively cataloged sources of information) threw up his name when I looked up Indian Ultra runners. His blog, extensively written, had me wondering how any one missed his record setting runs all these years! India has only two fan followings, one for cricket and the other for bollywood stars, or so it seemed until recently atleast!

I wrote to him that day inquiring after his interest in the Ultra race Globeracers was putting on in the Thar Desert in December 2009. His reply came promptly, with an inquiry: “Isn’t the distance of 42km per day too short?”. I couldn’t help but smile 🙂 This is the man I wanted to speak with, and should. He later wrote back saying that his schedules were packed and he also preferred to run a continuous race rather than a staged 5-day race.

With my own packed schedules, I postponed further communication with him until October 2009 when I proposed he run the entire distance of 210km at a go, inserting him in to the race on the 4th day, joining other runners. He came back with a positive reply, and that is the fantabulous beginning to an association, and friendship I know I will cherish personally, and Globeracers will be proud to have him at any and all of its races. He ran Thar Run 2009, 210 kms, in 31 hours 20 min, a record for any Indian runner.

GR Photofile: Arun on the first day of his 210km run at Thar Run 2009.

Since then he won the South Africa race in April 2010, a record again for any Indian runner. Stats and articles on his South Africa race are here.

Arun during South Africa's 6-day race, clocking 567kms in total

Arun Bharadwaj at South Africa's 6-day race

Arun braving rain, slush, and cold during South Africa's 6-day race in April 2010 and clocking 567kms

I personally look forward to see him run through (pun intended 🙂 ) as many barriers as any one will seek to throw in his direction. Will post a brief on his inspiring story on the difficulties he overcame since the day he dared to dream. I humbly salute this wonderful man who possesses a strong and indomitable spirit.



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